The pursuit of Happiness

6 min readDec 28, 2020


In the world, there are different variants of people and they are divided based on multiple factors but the purpose of all seven billion people can be put into a single basket called happiness

In this pursuit of happiness or in general, when we are battling for something we always get transported from one challenge to the other multiple times before winning or finishing the battle, which ultimately makes the battle hard to win.

that literally says it is possible to win any battle but the possibility of winning is less.

Then who can win a battle?

So only the person who stays and travels with the challenges gets to taste the ultimate peace of mind i.e. happiness

let’s get a dip into the dilemmatic world to understand how happiness is packed with complex elements of life from behind with a series of questions.

Question of Happiness?

Everyone seeks happiness but in different forms and ways So in general what makes a common man happy?

It’s satisfaction,

There are two types of satisfaction:

  • physical sustainability
  • mental enthusiasm

Happiness is one of the major byproducts of satisfaction and satisfaction is something that comes from owning extensively different varieties of emotions and things, which all of us can afford with a single entity called capital i.e. money.

Capital not only determines a man’s status in this society but also determines his survival in this predominantly cash accumulated world

Well.Thus, we can understand

“Money maketh man”

Question of Money?

Physical sustainability is survival and

Survival is our basic rights

But that right is sold in exchange for money.

that’s what happens in this contemporary world. Right?

As a being, we have the right to live

To live we need money

To earn money we need a job

To get the job we need knowledge

To gain the knowledge we need the basic education

To receive the education we again need money.

This is our current scenario, even to earn and live with just our basic needs we require money. So there is no possibility to make money without money. That’s the bitter truth and

This endless loop is hard to break but we need to break it in a most effective manner

Question of implication?

So if we know we need money for everything then how can we earn the money we needed?

This is an important question because this question gonna polarize the people into 2 categories in world history according to their perspective of satisfaction

  • trivial names
  • vital names

In this polarity, Trivial names just work for physical sustainability whereas the vital names work mainly for mental enthusiasm coming back to the question, many of us come up with the prevailing contemporary solution i.e. the classic chain

Education ->Job ->money-> needs

If we think this chain gonna help all of us,

Yes, it absolutely can but The benefits of this chain can make up only for our living i.e. we will be a part of trivial names like workers, employee, associates who live for physical sustaining On a precise note, the majority of people choose education because it is the quickest and easiest way to quench the thirst for the very basic needs If we are sticking to our basic needs in life, then education can be the best solution for making a good life.

If our thoughts and views are bigger than the basic needs i.e. we wanna be a part of mental enthusiasm, then we need to sacrifice our delightful time in the thoughts and views we love.

But all our works and efforts should payoff in-time otherwise it becomes a tragic ending.

Then, how can an individual be effective with his/her works?

Question of time?

If we want to stick to our mentality, The only way to break this contemporary belief is through opportunities i.e. utilizing the opportunity that is sprinkled on us.

Opportunities are the real fortunes that are scattered across people and it’s a boundless entity so no one can own it with money or power.

Opportunity is a void that is left to be filled by someone

The occurrence of this void in life is extremely uncertain i.e.the possibility of predicting the time of happening is merely impossible.

The void may occur in the early-stage or later stage but what’s sure is the duck will lay the golden egg.

If you are getting the opportunity, that means you gonna enjoy the highest possibility of filling the void

“This uncertainty or the question of time is answered by the effort we put on”

Here we personify the duck as our hard work, so we need to wait patiently till the efforts pay off. Any impatient act of killing the duck ( hard work) will ultimately kill the opportunity too

if we lose an opportunity, it doesn’t mean we are unlucky for the things what it actually says is that we are too impatient to wait for that thing.

luck vs opportunity

opportunity and luck are two different entities.

opportunity is something that is earned through hard work whereas luck on other hand is something the circumstances come in favor of an individual and the individual fit into it

if we are working hard and we get a chance to fill a void then that chance is an opportunity and

opportunities can be utilized

lucky can only be enjoyed

the opportunities need the experience to utilize

luck is a one time favor that doesn’t need any experience

The Conclusion

We all gonna earn but the purpose of our earning makes the real difference

it just for physical sustainability or it is for mental enthusiasm?

the question is lit on us

happiness is the mate of optimistic people

to be optimistic we need experience

experience comes with the time

and the work with time is hard work

The conclusive statement is once we know the pain we know the peace




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