5 min readAug 16, 2020


Let us imagine if today as Sunday, as metro people we shop we hang out with friends and people a lot.

On weekends our actual Weekend vibes starts with catching up friends in late noons and it ends with sleepy returns in late nights.

So we tirelessly shop and eat a lot in between these hectic weekends.

The day will start like hanging out with friends and after a few talks and having a pause in nearby Domino’s were we start to order foods from our most favorites obsession filled Pepperoni pizza, and then keep stacking on the queue with multiple add-ons like coke hamburgers French fries, etc. After smashing all the orders right there in minutes, we quickly swipe the bill and leave for shopping or any movies. within 1 or 2 hours we again feel like stuffing something into our mouth so we try to stack some crispy snack and mouth-watering pav bhaji or any other favorites.

after finishing off the movie/shopping

On en routing back to the home we try to eat our evergreen inviting parotta with salna (dipping dish) and

As soon as we head to the home we Drift off straight into the bed.

This makes our weekend a well spent satisfying weekend.


If so,

This is just the outer world of us and our experience in weekends

Now let’s dive into the inner world and explore the inexperienced side of us that we definitely need to experience

Let start with a small intro of our inner world

The Outer and the Inner world are twins but literally the contradict twins

So if we enjoy our outer world as contradict we suffer in the inner world

Let dive still deeper into it!

The weekend ends only when each cause satisfies itself with its own consequences

So the main part of our weekend reactions happens here at the inner world

The 2 actions we did on outer world

• Food intake and

• Restless fun.

The 2 reactions we face on inner world

• Digestion and absorption of the intake food.

• Resting for restless fun.

Broaching first with the intake food

Our body digestion is a top to down process and it follows queuing.

So it starts with our pioneer Pepperoni’s digestion. Since the important ingredient of pizza is dough, the time required for the digestion is more than that of our ordinary meal, which means it will take an ample amount of time for its digestion but we also know that our coke, snack, and flavored pav bhaji are right behind in the queue waiting for their own digestion.

So digestion of our Pepperoni gets paused in the midst, then ham and coke get into the process. In the meantime, it gets paused and our parotta gets in and dominates the process because parotta is one that takes more time to digest than any other food so without having any proper digestion, all our food starts rotting and starts decaying within our stomach and this is what we call as an “indigestion”.

Stacking more food into our body irrespective of its digestive rate causes indigestion.

This undigested food release toxins and our intestines absorb the toxin which causes harm to our body

If food is called as the mother of our body’s energy then

Indigestion can be called the mother of all diseases

What we need to do in outer world

Stop stacking of foods at night

What happens in inner world

secretion of digestive juices depletes at night

effects on stacking


The consequence of this indigestion affects our sleep which in turn causes stress and mental sickness

The Ultimate problem

The problem in this highly revolutionized world is that maximum of us meet the basic essential but not up to a satisfactory level or at the right time or venue

We people tend to be calculative with clock, we spend our time cautiously only on

  • what we need and
  • what we love

because the world is moving fast and we also need to move fast in order to catch up with the world so we try to maintain our-self to be in time with things

This calculative approach is the primary cause of all problems in our body when we try to adopt the same calculative approach into our food and body routines and the secondary one is an obsession of taste and comfort which we build alongside of modernization.

The solution

Focus on

• What we consume

• When we consume

• How we consume


• eating junk food for it’s a quick and tasty preparation

• eating as one task of multitasking

• eating while watching the phone or tv

• eating while traveling

Try to

• have enough crushing and grinding before swallowing is done to it.

• Trust your biological clock than your real-time clock in food and sleep

Main take away from this blog

Hunger, thirst, and sleep are natural, biological process don’t contract it with the time we have

Let us wake our biological clock once again.

Let us

  • Eat only when we are hungry
  • Drink only when we are thirsty
  • Sleep only when we are tired




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