Men are always men

5 min readJun 20, 2020


“Men are always men”

This is being the cliché of the millennium

The question is “As men are we going to take/accept the cliché or not?”

This cliché sometimes shows man as vulnerable and immutable

It’s a try to prove this cliché is Nacked to all men who do respect women

In sorting things with one half of the duality, it’s better to cuddle with the other half too.

Feminine and masculine are the most powerful duality of life. There is no supreme/priority in duality.

life is at it’s best when the balance is equal

But more than equality each life needs attention and it seeks attention from other fellow lives.

Naturally, Seeker always seek attention from their opposite polarity


Men are more robust than women

And robustness is the synonym of power

It implies men are powerful. If one thinks power is a boon then he is ultimately nacking himself from the bitter truth.

Power is the word that battles between dominance and responsibility with considering the importance of respect in hands

Power deplete to dominance:

Domination is the devil’s part of power.

The changeover happens when respect has least cared with the fellow being

Power gains to responsibility:

Responsibility is the angel where power updates itself to responsibility when respect is considered with utmost care.

people know to polarize both dominance and responsibility. Then where the hell we go wrong?

Hell is tickled by truth and fake.

Sometimes truth needs dominance to sustain the bond/relationship

By this, we lose a good person in our life because of our misinterpretation on the person’s temporary dominance

and othertimes fake needs responsibility to start the bond/relationship

By this, we lose our-self by getting nacked and cheated by the fleeting responsibility other person show on us

Why men fall the most and what men need:

people should try to accept the fact that

Women are physically misled by men and

Men are emotionally misled by women

Men are emotionally weak and sensitive

It is because men don’t have any strong manipulation by our social and peer pressure as the other counter possesses. This gives men the liberty to brutally trust friendship and love whereas women have the same trust but the social and peer pressure evolve to fear and the fear gives them the space to breathe and be aware on what they are indulging in.

This hidden liberty of men behind the face makes them fall for things.

Women have the risk to survive physically and men have the risk to survive emotionally in this world

That how nature has created us and that what duality really means “2 strengths combines to surpass 2 weakness”

Duality has these contradictions which ultimately attract each other.

Men need extra empathy with patience from the other half of duality

In a better scenario, Women can try to shape men. Some who are feminists in their view have an argument stating “Are women-only born to shape men? Why are we denied our freedom to indulge in what we love to do?”

No, it’s not true. Women have the right to enjoy each and every freedom what men enjoy

they need not sacrifice but they need to prioritize.

I’m sure that real men understand his woman better than any other woman when she prioritizes things for the family and then the man will surely stand as the backbone of our dreams and set you up in the sky higher than you desired to.

There are tons of pairs out there in our society setting themselves as an example to contradict the image the world reflects on them like Michelle Obama , melinda gates, kasturba Ghandi etc.

Take away:

For women

  • Try to prioritize things
  • Have extra empathy and patience with your man

For men

  • Be responsible and be a real man for our women

Human tendencies always try to prove their views and needs

It’s an innate curse lives have been blessed with.

So, the common thing is to try being compassionate to each other and don’t scrutinize your counterpart.

After all,We all are just another decaying organic matter with gifted/cursed senses and emotions.

In the social context,

people should be against doing not doers.

Doers always exist. Life enjoys committing itself to be vulnerable for its own existence and pleasure in this world.

So, we can’t stop the doers but we can only prevent the doing

Practice good

prevent bad

breaking the tip of the pen by answering the question for what we started this journey

As real men always respect women

We take the cliché even for another megaannum

Yeah. “Real men are always real men”.

Disclaimer: this is not to prove men are important but this is to understand the importance of men.

This might be fishy but once you get sorted out then the vision of this blog will get sorted out eventually.




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