Battle between trust and selfishness
Can we tell who is the most trustworthy person to us?
We are hinted with some clues
it’s not our parents
it’s not our partners and
it’s not our friends.
Because all relationship/bond moves with on-demand repay manner so their trust deserves an only second place in the priority.
Then who is the prime of trust?
Prime of trust is one who needs the minimum repay
And it’s none other than we ourself
We are the most trustful person to us
We here stand for the body that represents us in this real world
Now we are shot with another question can we tell how much time on an average day do we spend with our body for our body?
Many of us thinking the right answer.
Yes, a big circle.
The problem is
1. We respect and care for others more than we respect and care our own-self.
But without you, you can’t care others right.
2. This is the strong misconception we have on our body, we consider some parts of the body as a whole body
Yes, we consider our senses the 6 senses as our body as our whole body.
We eat junk food because it activates our taste bud and says it’s good.
We take a hot shower because it activates the touch sense and says it feels good. and 99% of the actions we do is to quench our senses selfish desire.
So, Sense are pleasure seekers, they enjoy their role at their best possible way and engages the whole body to work for their needs and they love the most senselessly love bad things
The body needs 2 types of care
1. Interior body care
2. Exterior body care
Many of us fall on only to 2nd type not because we really love and care our body but because it is what that reflects us to the real world.
Here,What we act is right but why we act for is wrong, the purpose is wrong.Anyway don’t care, the result is positive but if we make right with the purpose the result will be much brighter and deeper.
So exterior body care is doing physical activity like yoga, meditation, exercise and martial arts, etc that gives us strength and not power.
Let us focus on what we all least focus on and what that gives power to accomplish what we need
Interior body care is nothing but what we take inside our body that power us up.
the food we eat
the water we drink
the oxygen we inhale
even light we see and sound we hear plays major part in changing our physical and mental stability but let us focus on the
the food we eat because that differs the most from one to another.
This blog is not to say what we want to eat because everyone knows it.
This blog is here to say why we need to eat the food what we all of us know already
What happens when we fill our bike with petrol and water. It runs good for a while and gets ceased up when the petrol floats at the top of water due to it’s less dense nature
The same happen to the food we eat.
The body absorbs the nutrients from the food we eat. So if we intake the inappropriate food body works well for a while up to which it can withstand the food and the same as the engine our body also gets ceased up when it encounters inappropriate food again and again.
Since the mind has fleeting memory let us remind ourselves that we are part of nature so ultimately all processes within us are nature-driven processes including digestion.
Then how barely can we think that a natural process possibly can digest an unnatural, unearthly food?
Then What the body ultimately needs ?
It hates what we enjoy and it loves what we hate
It’s look funny but that’s the hidden truth.
But It’s really hard to consume healthy food all the time but let us try to convince ourself to consume the healthy food at the maximum rate
Health is essential
Health is more important than taste , beauty, and monotony
Because to enjoy these things what we need the most is our body
To create something or to enjoy something that has already been created all we need is our body
As a person, each and everyone has their our own roles, duty, and responsibility on others and to this society we live in, to make the right to the position we are holding on to the other person and the society
The first and must thing we must possess and to be useful to others is to have a good healthy body.
So to live happily all we need is a good healthy body that’s the only thing which can give life to our dreams and imagination.
Physical activity can change our minds more than vice versa can do.
If we take care of our body it will be the biggest gift of our life if not it will be the biggest curse of life.
The choice is ours.
Life is the battle between the most trustful person (your body) vs the most selfish person ( your senses)
Let us don’t lose ourselves by being a traitor to our own body for our own senses.
Let us play the battle for good
The battle between body and senses
The battle between trust and selfishness
Eat healthily
Live happily